Apparently my old picture sucks. Ann likes this one better. I'm really not that big. Sometimes I'm not grumpy either.
Whilst I was about it, I thought I'd chip in my little bit of support for the NHS. These days I feel like I do sometimes lean a little further right than I'd like. But surely health care based on need rather than abilty to pay is right? After all, I can't afford to pay for a liver transplant myself.
You're not wrong.
Nice pic. Kinda want to run up behind, slap your pate Benny Hill Style and run off shouting "stock Foster's in your boozer"
Man, you look a little like Phil Jackson!
Cooking, if I ever meet you, and you don't do that, I'd be sooo disappointed. Although, I'm sure somebody did once....
Wurst, nah, he's got more hair than me.
The NHS is not only fairer, it's cheaper and better than what the Yanks have got - some numbers
You've by now received my carefully crafted response to your health care email query. If you print it here, then maybe I can get my own file in Washington, right next to Arlo Guthrie's, containing a study in black and white of my fingerprints.
I am getting sick to death of people slagging the NHS over here, idiots actually believe the lies the Repubikaans spread about it. Makes me mad!
With you on the NHS!
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