Brains Craft Brewery - it is quite little |
One would have to say that these questions are in themselves intractable problems. We don't have a definition for craft beer so how can we say these breweries are not craft breweries? How can we say that the beers they produce are not craft beers?
It was just before Christmas last year, at the Guild of Beer Writers annual awards dinner, where Brains were once again sponsoring the on-line award1. They had some bottles of collaborations that had been done with various beer writers. I sort of joked with the Brains people that they should do a collaboration with me.
Now, someone once said "Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut."2. Obviously, having already had dinner, and a few beers, I couldn't claim to be sober. However, my jocular comment was greeted with a great deal of enthusiasm. Looked like I'd have to go through with it.
Subsequently, various Brains people made various attempts to get me to agree a date to go down to Cardiff and play on their "craft brewery" - if nothing else, I think it's a fair enough "thank you" for the sponsorship of the awards. But, me being my usual busy self never found the right date in my diary.
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Bill Dobson, left, and me examining his control panel |
So, with a feeling of duty to help out Brains as payback for my shiny BGBW awards tankard, a chance to have beer I'd brewed at GBBF, a chance to see what a family brewer calls a craft brewery, and check to see if I agree that it is. But then being asked by the head brewer, that properly counts you see. It's OK for PR people to ask for their own, and my publicity sake, but this was a real brewer asking. It would have been churlish to refuse.
Where the fermentation takes place |
So, we brewed the agreed recipe at Cardiff on a Monday, and the very next day, armed with a bucket of WLP001 yeast that Brains had propagated and cropped, we travelled back up to Cumbria via Charles Faram, as we were also short of some of the hops. We were still having coffee at hop HQ and chatting with Will whilst the team back at base were mashing in.
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The Brains version |
We use whole cone hops in our copper. I've been pondering the use of pellets for some time, but we don't have a whirlpool. Brains Craft Brewery does. Cleaning is so much easier4. Many brewers will say that there are big differences between whole-cone and pellets in the way they interact with the wort in the copper. Anyway, Brains normally use pellets, although they can use whole hops if they want to. This beer had so much in the copper the hop slurry was above the take-off point at the end risking clogging the hose. I seem to make a bit of a habit of pushing breweries past their limits when we do collaborations.
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Our version |
So, two major differences between the Brains Craft Brewery version of this beer and our own. Everything else, proportions of ingredients etc were all the same, and importantly the same strain and generation of yeast. If you want to try both versions get hold of our bottled version and try it at the Brains bar at GBBF too.
So, back to the original questions. Can Brains little brewery be called a craft brewery? Well, I mentioned to Bill the idea that some in the beer world simply see their brewery as a pilot plant by another name. Bill fairly rebuffs this notion. There is no way he'd be allowed to have a pilot plant, at the total investment cost, without it having a clearly commercial product as an output. There is no doubt in his mind that it was built as a craft brewery, and that is what it is.
I hope my involvement in this collaboration has helped a little more with the idea that Brains Craft Brewery is indeed worth a look. Do I think it's a craft brewery? Yes, I do. It's only 25hl for a start, hardly massive. OK, so it uses some of the built-in utilities available from the big plant it sits right next to, like the spend grains conveyor7. But, it's all manual, no automation, and there are plenty of breweries people are happy to call craft that are much bigger, much more automated and much less hands-on than this.
We've just bottled our version of this beer, which is called Gordian Knott. I hope we've done something to cut right through the tangled knotty question of what is craft beer, not by defining it, but by showing how diverse and interesting the craft beer world is. And perhaps showing that defining craft is as difficult as it ever has been.
The solution to the intractable problem of defining craft beer is to admit we don't need to. Cut the definition requirement knot to pieces.
Oh, and you can buy the Hardknott version of Gordian Knott on our web shop. To celebrate our beers being at GBBF, for the week we've incorporated a 25% discount if you use the code "Tonic" - enter code at checkout. The code is automatically set to deactivate by the last day of GBBF, so get those orders in soon.
1I was runner up for this award in 2009, and Brians was sponsor back then too, so I have to have a little bit of affection for the brewery.
2The internet tells me it was Ernest Hemingway what said it. Must be true.
3 I even thought I could have made a bit of a fuss about the fact that I had to go to a bigger brewer in Wales, as despite brewing now for over 8 years we've never had a beer ordered by GBBF. Surely they had heard of Hardknott? I could only have to assume that CAMRA just didn't like me. However, this has really been scuppered a bit by us having Cool Fusion at GBBF this year. Damn, there goes a PR idea.
4Although to be fair, cleaning is also made easier by having an almost unlimited supply of hot liquor5
5Hot liquor is a bit like hot water. In fact it is indistinguishable. Water, you see, always gets called liquor in a brewery. I've never really worked out why.
6And it has all gone well. At the time or writing we are on the third generation of that bucket we brought back from Cardiff.
7If I were honest, this is what I'm most envious of. Open a tap door next to the mash tun and just rake the spent grains into the hole and forget about them. Steam is good, as is bucket loads of hot liquor for washing down. But I WANT a spent grains conveyor.
The question of 'what is craft beer' was answered definitively last year ;-)
Great piece Dave. Very enjoyable account.
I think we need a new term. "Puppet" brewery?
I always thought that the difference is that the word liquor is applied to the water after any adjustments have been made. Therefore where adjustment is the norm the different phrases are useful, where adjustment is never used its irrelevant.
Ed. ****Goes to Tesco and buys grapefruit juice*****
Thanks Tandy, see you Monday night.
Stringers, I think it would be unfair to call Brains a puppet brewery. Just because they agreed to let me put loads of hops in their beer and got them to do a full lab assay on samples. And they put me up for the night. And promoted my brand on their pump clip. It wasn't all one way you know, I gave something back.
Liam, no, fairly sure it's just called liquor, even before any liquor treatment.
I can never tell when you're joking Dave.
That's because I refuse to use them emoticon things :p
The beer tasted great at the GBBF last night, so I don't really care if some wanker considers it 'craft' or not!
I'm sure the beer's lovely, but I'd refer Ben Viveur to this
Well Stringers, I get the point of the post you link to. Indeed, for some drinkers they really do care whether or not the beer they are drinking is, or is not craft, sometimes it seems much more than considering the actually flavours themselves.
For you and me we would be silly not to consider the whole craft debate, it has a direct affect on our businesses.
For drinkers like Ben Viveur the arguments get in the way sometimes of their simple enjoyment of good beer. I'd say he has a perfect right to put himself outside of the discussion if that is where he feels most comfortable.
Besides, I'm really pleased he enjoyed the beer.
We're all beer writers.
And we've seen, first-hand, the proportion of beer writing taken up with the crafturbation debate over the last few years.
It is insane. Absolutely fucking insane.
Yes, there's a debate there to be had and occasionally it's vaguely interesting and thought-provoking. I've written on the topic myself. With restraint.
But it's become an obsession for a whole lot of people who could otherwise be writing about the *beer*, whether or not they enjoy it.
Enough is enough is enough! (Unless you all genuinely enjoy having the same circular arguments, in which case, carry on!)
I'm not a beer writer. And of course Mr Viveur doesn't have to enjoy the "craft" malarkey, but that doesn't mean it isn't a live topic in the beer business. Now if I was a beer writer, I'd probably try to think of something original, or at least interesting, to say about it from time-to-time. There's only so much you can say about the actual beer, innit?
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