Monday 30 November 2009

Cumbria is open

We've got to the end of the season. On Sunday we locked the doors to have a little break for a few weeks. During November it's been very quiet and most days we were open we were lucky to cover the costs of any staff wages let alone the cost of heating lighting and the products we sold. It just makes sense sometimes to be closed. We are far away from the so called honey pots of the central Lake District and so when winter descends it goes very, very quiet indeed.

I think we've done all right this year overall. Slightly up on total revenue compared to last year. However, we're getting messages from other businesses in the county that indicate the economic situation hasn't always been good. I believe it depends upon the style of business but for definite there has been a shifting about of the way people spend their money. Some winners and unfortunately some losers.

Just to add to any discomfort it rained more in one day last week than it has ever been recorded. The effect of that was evident on the national news. The county is recovering and many parts are back to normal. However, the effect on businesses has been catastrophic. Many have pulled the stops out to get back on line only to find that the visitors still think the county is under water. This is not true. OK, a few bridges are down, but mostly transport is good.

Martin Campbell does some good stuff about Cumbrian produce on his sites and and today he sent me a link to a video he has produced showing just how nice our wonderful county can be. It's nice in the winter because it's quiet.

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