Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Nuptial News

No, Ann is not going to make an honest man of me. Mind you, it might take more than a wedding ceremony to do that.

Regular readers may remember our problems trying to sort out approval for holding civil marriages and partnerships here. Well we've just had a letter;
"Bla, bla, bla...

I am pleased to be able to approve the premises and enclose Formal Grant of Approval for your premises. bla bla bla."

Right, lets get those Magnums of Chimay Grande Réserve ordered.


Stonch said...

This does rather beg the question of who's going to get married in a pub...

Brewers Union Local 180 said...

What setting will now be appropriate for the LED's in the floor of room 8?

Unknown said...

Jeffrey, we're rather more than just a pub of course. The pub only contributes around 25% of my revenue and only takes up around 15% of the flour space. Frustratingly it generates 50% of my staff costs.

For the rest of the place think small hotel and restaurant. Besides, we already have one booking, confirmed and deposit paid. The groom makes cider, which we sell.

BUL180, with the combination of the slow changing colours we now have in the ceiling, sensual would be an appropriate description for the result. Now lie back and let the waves of pleasure roll over you.

Brewers Union Local 180 said...

The Ceiling Now!? Sheesh. Where's the controller for that?