The dynamite was moved to the school field and a controlled explosion was carried out. Unluckily for the school kids the school was undamaged, even so I have the song "We break up, we break up, we don't care if the school blows up" running through my head.
The rather troubling thing for me is that I now worry people will believe I planted that stick of dynamite to further the launch of this beer. If only I were that clever, and devious. But no, trust me, I had this all thought through well before the weekend.
There is a bit of a story to this beer. Scott came up with the name Nuclear Sunset, which I instantly liked. However, whilst putting together the backstory to the beer I realised that this week is the 70th anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 6th and 9th August to be precise. This could not be ignored.
I've already written quite a lot about the topic, for our press release, as covering emails to go out with the press release, our website and for a comment piece to go on Roger Protz's1 website, so I'm not going to put too much down here. But what I will say is that the power of the atomic explosions is something that genuinely moves me. The suffering that the people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki must have gone through is incredible. It is humbling to me to know that science can bring both great technological achievements, but not without great dichotomies for humanity to consider.

I hope you will all understand my genuine need to honour the people of Japan on this anniversary. This need for me is all the more acute as I am in favour of peaceful uses of nuclear technology, but at no time do I ever underestimate it's dangers if mankind misuses the technology in the future. I truly hope we continue to take seriously our responsibilities and hold precious the thought that the errors should never be repeated.
1As I type this the piece it is yet to go up on his site. He's in the middle of finalising the Good Beer Guide and we're just getting the final copy agreed before it goes up.
Stringers, you are right, the concept of dropping bombs on civilians is grotesque, glad you agree.
9/11 coming up soon Dave. Or have you thought of a child abuse themed beer?
The very big difference between 9/11, child abuse or many other issues and this one is that the whole nuclear issue is something of a complicated issue that much of the general public fail to understand.
It's important, very, very important indeed.
This might well be seen as a cynical ploy to sell beer. We also expected you would be right here with comments.
I believe in the message I am sending out. Sure, I do also hope it raises my profile a bit. But I truly hope it's for the right reasons.
I truly think often about the destruction in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I have read extensively about the effects of intense radiation exposure on the human body.
I believe that the 70th anniversary of these attacks will go largely unnoticed as a result of all the other "more important" anniversaries that are occurring at the moment.
I do not feelv I am doing anything wrong.
Well I hope it goes down better than your Yerba.
Probably one of the worst beers I've ever tasted although to be honest most of it went down the sink quicker than you could say " bombs away."
I do think you've made an error with this one pal.
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