Anyway, between then and now Ann and I have been in Canada for a week, and yet we have managed to open a bar. This is partly due to some very hard work done by our staff, plus ancillary support from LemonTop Creative and a couple of very good local businesses. I'm pleased with the results.
Our town now has a craft beer bar, one that adheres to the standards and values of Hardknott. I'm pleased.
To start we are open;
Thursday 6pm - 11pm
Friday 12 noon - 12 midnight
Saturday 12 noon - 12 midnight
Sunday 2pm - 10pm
Times subject to change if we find that trade shows this is possible.
1Legal people seem to be able to make money from absolutely nothing. I despair at the costs they layer onto jobs for what seems to me to be no added value.
Well done Dave and Ann. Just what we needed! I for one have really enjoyed the last two nights in your 'tap'. Long may it continue.
Good work everyone! Your very own "Millom Tap" :) Fantastic! I'm looking forward to visiting... now to come up with come convenient excuse to head up there. I expect something involving beer can be devised... ;)
Jenny, it's been a great couple of nights so far. The thing I really like is that we seem to have created what has been described by one observer as a "non-macho" feel. The quality of the customers has been fantastic.
Yvan, you need an excuse?
Ted, we like purple.
Oh well done. The bottled beer sample looks good and purple is the new, erm, purple.
I still think its the perfect venue for a pop up show by Prince! (Please let me know first, I wont tell anyone...)
Or maybe you are more of a Jimi Hendrix purple haze fan?
Jimi Hendrix or Prince? Please!
Congratulations and good luck.
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