Wednesday 25 January 2012

What is Craft Beer?

One of the criticisms against Craft Beer is that it does not have a definition. We don't think it needs one, but there is an explanation in this video that might help people to find their own answer.


Brewers Union Local 180 said...

We've been over this. It's pronounced wil-AAAAAHH-mit.

Gareth said...

Brilliant stuff, only problem is the lack of the invention of smell-o-vision! Maybe in a few years...

Unknown said...

Ted, look, when you routinely pronounce "Tuesday" correctly, I'll pronounce "Willamette" the way you guys do.

Gareth, we give all drinkers the opportunity of getting the smell of hops when drinking our beer. The answer is to open a bottle of Hardknott beer, into a nice glass, kick back and enjoy the video.

Ale Qaeda said...

If it isn't real, it is chemical fizz.

Doc No said...

very good vid. If you could re do this vid clearer and more concise. maybe shorten it to around 1.30 and stick a link on your botle labels. then people know what they are buying and where their money goes. education is the catalyst for change!