Suppose you had a son who was turning 18. Suppose you'd even managed to get him to like and appreciate good beer. Suppose, despite his age, he had a sense of humour and was making reasonable progress from the terrible teenage years showing promise as a young man. You'd want to get him something really nice for his birthday, wouldn't you?
Best thing to do is go on his facebook page and find the most embarrassing photo you can find, write a few silly words and paste it onto a Trashy Blonde. In my case he is my step-son, he's not a bad lad and I'm almost proud to have had some input to his upbringing.

PunkDog.com is a good idea that I like. I've been avoiding blogging about it as I thought I was getting a bit too BrewDog heavy on here. Hopefully this will lighten the tone a bit.
Anyway, why not Punk and Dog? it's easy and all on-line.

Nice one dave, although custom labelling is nowt new, the punkdog website seems to do it well and offers a decent range of the brewdog beers which makes a nice change from the some of the really terrible ones i've been given over the years.
hope he appreciated it!
Someone tell my partner about this some time late august :P
Nothing wrong with a good bit of brewdog blogging. They put the effort in so they get alot of attention :)
Happy Birthday to the lad. Send him away to college, uny or summat to get away from the pongy beer corrupting influence of his pongy ale liking evil step dad so he can neck lout, live off cheese on toast and go birding with his mates. It'll make a man of him.
I've got some own labelled things from Open All Hours in Keswick and they've always gone down well.
Ed, not tried those ones from open all hours in keswick, they used to have a website selling them...quite cheaply if i remember correctly.
Labelling didn’t exist when my lad was born in 1998 (well it did but it was rubbish) so I bought a case of Thomas Hardy to give to him at 18, there are 8 left now (I was doing tastings in 2000 and they are now in a well sealed box overseen by my wife) and with a bit of luck he will hate them and give them back to me in 2016.
I sometimes wonder if beer will still be around when my lad turns 18. He'll be 2 in a couple weeks...
Eddie course it will be, you’re reading too gloomy blogs.
When we had our beer shop one of the great joys was customising beer for special occasions. I enjoyed designing labels. Sad really.
If you are looking for embarrassing photos surly facebook is the wrong place to go. All his friends will be familiar with anything you find there. Those baby photos of him at the beach with no pants on, however...
Adrian - Sorry, long couple of days left me a bit overly-worn out. It wouldn't be true to say I didn't mean that, but I don't honestly believe it. But when you hear that a mandatory code law has been passed without the mandatory code decided on, we are leaving ourselves wide open...
I received a lighthouse for my 18th birthday. One that fitted on my bookcase, white and blue striped with a rotating police siren light in the top. It broke one drunken night at uni, in a rather embarrassing situation so now the siren light doesn't spin around. I loved that lighthouse. The girl that broke it owes me...
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