There is, of course, our delayed but increasingly anticipated bar on Millom Station. This has caused a bit of interest both locally and further afield. More later, but I expect some movement on this over the next week or so as Network Rail Lawyers finally "get there"

My underpinning reasons for taking on the challenge are several fold. Firstly, there are various aspects of my health I am less than 100% happy with. As I approach my half century I am aware that it becomes increasingly important to keep on top of fitness if I am to have a long and active life.
A second reason is the fact that beer is often cited as a bad thing for ones health. For that matter, so is butter. Indeed, I'm sure recently there was a general nonsense claiming fruit was bad for you. It gets to the point that you can't decide what is good and what is bad.
A long, long time ago I decided to stop listening to health crackpots and just concentrate on a balanced diet and plenty of exercise. What I do include in my balanced diet is beer and butter. I also include fruit and of course vegetables.
When it comes to exercise this becomes a bigger problem. This isn't because I don't enjoy it, quite the reverse, but more that there are always more important things to do.
Hence a challenge; The Keswick to Barrow walk. My intention was that it would make me do some training and get a little bit fitter. I've done a little, but I'd have to say, not anywhere near enough.
It's tomorrow. Where did all that time go? I expect I'll finish the 40 miles, but perhaps not as fast as I'd like. An added downer is the fact that the weather forecast isn't looking great.
So, think about me and wish me luck. Even better, it's all in aid of local charities, so, if you'd like to sponsor me, please do so here. I'm supposed to raise a minimum to take part and I've not even had time to do much about that, so any contribution would be appreciated.
I expect I'll be giving a running, then walking, then hobbling commentary on twitter, so encouragement during the day would be appreciated.
Dave, as a lapsed walker and someone who is forced to take exercise as a result of beer and butter consumption I will share your pain as you take part.
Have a good day and take care!
A small sponsorship token has been given!
Thanks Paul, I've just seen the sponsorship via the automated email system. Thanks for your generosity.
Beat you to the half century. Maybe I should come over there and do that walk. Does it involve stopping at pubs and liberating lots of pints?
Great effort Dave. I can relate to;
"What I do include in my balanced diet is beer and butter"
World would be a sad place without either.
I at the sheffield station bar and drinking pint of your 5.8%ipa and its astonishingly good. I've never tried your beers. My local is the black bulls head in Belper and this ale would be a welcome addition to their equally astonishing range of beers. It's the best pub I have ever had as a local. Thus ale is outstanding but sadly I have to get my train in 15 mins. Keep up the good work
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